Cottage Landscape

I went to my parent's cottage again and tried to take more pictures. It wasn't easy as I thought it would've been. I struggled to find good compositions but I'm sure there's more so I'm excited to try again next year.

These were shot with my Fujifilm X-T3 + Rokinon 50mm 1.2. This is out of camera raw with Lightroom presets (Adobe Color):

Having the trees and the rock in the foreground in focus is impossible. I should've focused stack. Also, if I would've waited longer, the light would've been better. The warmer tone comes from split toning and the purple tint comes from a gradient filter for the sky. Not that much editing in this one.

50mm 1/80sec F/8 ISO 160

I was in the cottage and my dad said "Oh cool, there's 2 guys in kayaks. You should take a picture". I replied, "Nah, they're too far away". Then I thought, why not try? So I quickly took the camera because I wanted them on the right side of the frame before crossing the big sunlight highlights. While doing this I didn't check my aperture. It's probably wide open or close to it.

So this is a square crop and it's almost half the width of the original picture. So it's cropped a lot but I still like this picture. It's not sharp but it doesn't matter. For global adjustments, the highlights are way down, bumped the whites, clarity, dehaze, and contrast a bit. There's also a small S curve for the tone curve. There's a lot of local adjustment to enhance the rays and a lot of spot removal to clean up the image.

50mm 1/8000sec F/? ISO 160

These aren't my best pictures but I still like them and also I used them as motivation to get something better next time.
