Night Gas Station

Night gas station shot has been popular the last year or so and even though it's cliché to take one, I'm not against it as it's still cool and you're practicing photography.

At first, my goal was hopping for no cars and no activity to give that deserted look. But I found this, the car light trail. It's different and makes it less boring.

These were shot with my Fujifilm X-T3 + Rokinon 50mm 1.2. This is out of camera raw with Lightroom presets (Adobe Color):

There's some split toning (or color grading as they call it now) on both the shadows and the highlights with green. The luminance of the red and orange are lowered just a bit to give it a darker color and the hue oranges are pushed to the red side. There's a lot of local adjustments for the lights to lower the highlights.

50mm 2.5sec F/16 ISO 160

I hope to get an ND filter eventually so I wouldn't need to shoot at F/16 to get slow shutter speeds. It was a little difficult timing the cars. There are some distracting elements but overall I'm happy with the vibe of this picture especially it was last-minute planning.
