Nintendo Switch

My son saw me taking pictures of various objects and he was wondering if I could take a picture of his Nintendo Switch. I thought, why not. I did this on weekday which gave me about 1 hour to setup and take the picture.

I searched for existing pictures and found this:

We don't have a red wall but his bedroom wall is light blue and so we used that instead. He also liked the black glass we used a couple of times so we used that as our platform.

So here's the setup:

I encountered many issues with this shot. First was the space. The room is tight so I used my circular diffuser with 2 flashes. One is lower so it can highlight the face of the Switch.

Second is my glass platform isn't deep enough for the camera to be level with the subject like in the example. This is causing unpleasant angles and perception.

Third is the controller was dirty. I cleaned the other pieces but the middle part of the controller is noticeably dirty.

Fourth is the lighting. I think umbrellas will work better as I could control the 2 light sources separately.

So here's the equipment list I used with their setting:

Fujifilm X-T20 + Rokinon 50mm 1.2.
Flash to the left: 24mm at 1/8.
Flash to the right: 70mm at 1/16 (I forgot to set it to 24mm, the left one could be zoomed in a bit more).
Circular diffuser above the subject.

This is out of camera raw with Lightroom presets (Adobe Color):

I lifted the shadows in the middle of the controller and placed some vignetting. The wall left side is more lit because of the mirror I'm assuming.

50mm 1/125s F/8 ISO 200

I will definitely retake this shot. There's many things I can improve with more time and organisation.
