Working Overtime

I got this idea randomly one day and I was curious if I could do it. So I brought my camera to work and tried different compositions. I wanted to capture as many cubicles as I could. Having only a 27mm as my widest, it was tricky but I found something I liked. So one evening I asked my buddy to come along.

The tricky part was to get the camera as high as possible. I was fortunate I had a co-worker working late and she had a utility cart I could use. With that, it was much easier to get the composition I wanted. 

So I had the camera as high as possible to get an overview shot without having the ceiling in the frame. We closed all the lights and I had a flash in my cubicle pointing up in an angle.

This shot was taken with my Fujifilm X-T3 + Fujinon 27mm F/2.8. This is out of camera raw with Lightroom presets (Adobe Monochrome)

I brighten my cubicle a lot in post to really get that 1 cubicle lit effect. I darken some spots and removed some objects as well.

27mm 1/25s F/5.6 ISO 160
I'm really happy with this shot. I had an idea in my head and I executed it pretty close to my liking.
