Keyboard Macro

One night, after I changed my background, I could see a cool colored reflection on my keyboard. That gave me the idea to try a macro shot. Finding the right key was a bit tricky because of the surrounded keys so I was limited to the middle or top row of letters. I settled with F because of Find. Find inspiration, Find ideas, Find new goals, etc.. So here's the setup:

I bent my monitor forward and angle it so the reflection is just right. I also needed to angle the keyboard because I was limited with my tripod being so close to the desk. With macro, sometimes it's much easier to move the subject.

This was shot with my Fujifilm X-T3 + Rokinon 50mm 1.2 + Macro tube. This is out of camera raw with Lightroom presets (Adobe Color):

Naturally, I was underexposed. There's a lot of local adjustment for darkening some areas around the keys. There's also a lot of adjustment in the HSL to get the colors I wanted.

I wanted a shallow depth of field to get the previous and the next letter blurry. But being so close, it also meant that my letter won't all be in focus. Trying to get the letter F and the word Find in focus was impossible. 

50mm 13sec F/9 ISO 200

I'm happy how this came out. I like the neon colors and the framing as well. I always wanted to try and find a way to shoot my keyboard so when I saw the reflection on my keys it immediately gave me the idea.
