Praktica Product

I wanted to produce some kind of product shot (I watched too much Karl Taylor) so I chose the Praktica camera. I wanted a simple shot but it turned out harder to make it interesting. For the background, I wanted to projects some cool shadows kind of like the light switch shot.

We encountered 2 main issues. The first one was lighting our subject properly. When we started, the setup was much closer to the wall. We wanted to be close to the wall so we could see the shadows from the basket. But by being close to the wall we underexposed our subject. If we went too strong, the light would overpower the background. So we moved back and here's the setup:

Maybe we didn't need to move that far but what a difference in control it made. We could properly lit our subject without interfering with the background. Unfortunately, to get nice shadows on the background was harder now. We settled with this. There are 2 flashes for the subject as you can see and there's also a flash in the laundry basket on the left pointing to the wall.

These were shot with my Fujifilm X-T3 + Rokinon 50mm 1.2. This is out of camera raw with Lightroom presets (Adobe Color):

I didn't like the burgundy table so I removed saturation in red, purple, and magenta. Guess what I forgot to do again? Make sure there wasn't any dust. So I spend some time to spot remove as much as I could. There's some local adjustment to fix the shadows in the background and also some adjustments to make the subject pop a bit more. A little bit of brown split toning for more of a vintage look.

50mm 1/125sec F/11 ISO 160

A very simple shoot but I'm happy with the outcome. Over the winter I'll try more product shots again.
