Slanted Water

I saw a picture with slanted water in a glass and I thought that was neat (I can't find the picture). So I asked my friend to come over and to bring his table extender because it's a nice piece of wood and would make for a great platform. I also have these neat crystal glasses and coincidentally, my wife separated some of Pothos for regrowth.

Here's our setup:

We used my workout bench to lay the table extension on an angle. I used large clear masking tape and double-sided it and placed it in the direction with the camera so it would be more stable.

I wanted to create a beam of light coming from behind so we have a flash in the back with a homemade snout. We have another flash just on top the of leaves to light them up. The tripod head is tilted so it's parallel to the platform.

This was shot with my Fujifilm X-T3 + Rokinon 50mm 1.2. This is out of camera raw with Lightroom presets (Adobe Color):

This is one of two images because I focus-stacked them and also this is a 5x7 crop. I used a polarizer trying to get rid of the reflection but it was impossible to get everything out. Though it did help. There was some blue reflection so I removed the blue saturation and increased the yellow a bit for the wood. I added texture and clarity to the glass. There was more light on the platform than I wanted so I tried to darken around a bit. In terms of edits, this one was fairly light.

50mm 1/125sec F/8 ISO 160

I think because the glass has a lot of groves in it, the light didn't go through like I thought it would. Also, it's a little busy but makes for an interesting subject. Overall with the colors of the picture and the interesting slanted water, it makes for a nice picture (IMO).
