Backlit Snow Covered Tree

I was trying a shot for a composition I found. Unfortunately, it was too late in the year because for the sun to be in the right location, it was too high and too harsh.

I don't know if you can see but there's a small river and where I'm standing and on the right of me, is another hill. So this creates a small valley.

So this was my view staring forward with the sun pointing at me.

when I turned to my right, this is what I saw. This tree is on the same hill as I am and the background is on the other hill. So the sun can't hit the background because of the angle but it can hit the tree.

This shot was with my Fujifilm X-T3 + Fujinon XF55-200mm. This is out of camera raw with Lightroom presets (Adobe Color):

I didn't do much to this image. First is the 4x5 crop. I Increased the contrast ever slightly, decreased the highlights just a bit. There's a local brush for the tree with a luminance mask for the highlights. I increased the exposure, texture, and clarity. For extra dramatic effect, I placed a gradient filter and decreased the dehaze in the top left corner.

156mm 1/60sec F/9 ISO 160

This shot is mostly a reminder of what's potential. There's a lot of distraction and I think I can compose a bit better. So I'll definitely try again next year. Maybe more zoomed in so I can separate the background even more. Earlier might help so the light doesn't catch the other branches.
