Table Tennis 2

Here's the first post about Table Tennis.

In this shot, I wanted to concentrate on the racket only. Placing it near the net made it much more interesting than plainly just on the table.

Here's the setup:

I needed the help of my son to cover partially the handle because of the reflective emblem. No flashes here, just ambient light. I was lucky as the shadows are heavier on one side.

This was shot with my Fujifilm X-T20 + Rokinon 50mm 1.2. This is out of camera raw with Lightroom presets (Adobe Color):

From now on, the before and after will have the same whitebalance. I didn't do much retouching here. The highlights are dropped a lot and I bumped the clarity, contrast, and shadows a bit. I lowered the overall saturation by just a little bit. In HSL, the blue saturation was dropped more with a little bit for the red. Some areas like the corners where darken by using the brush to isolate the subject.

50mm 6.5s F/11 ISO 200
After showing this picture to my other table tennis friends, they wanted one as well. As of writing this post, I already changed these rubbers to something else but I still like this picture.
