Tree Stump

I remember scouting this place in early summer when I shot the mossy log and I noticed this tree stump but there wasn't any light after the shoot. I decided to go back and try it.

I think I got a little lucky because I underestimated the sun height being blocked by the trees. The tree stump was being lit periodically and my shot was probably the last couple of seconds before the sun was completely blocked by the trees.

This is the reason why I bought this tripod. You can remove the center column and replace it with a very short one so you can get low to the ground. This isn't even the lower position of the tripod but I didn't want to go too low as I wanted a good view of the leaves growing from the tree stump. Those weren't there earlier this year. I like the leaves on the ground are helping to frame the subject.

I wanted a soft background which is why I shot at F/4. Unfortunately, this caused the lower of the tree stump to be out of focus because I'm coming in a slight angle. The top leaves and the top of the tree stump was my priority.

These were shot with my Fujifilm X-T3 + Rokinon 50mm 1.2. This is out of camera raw with Lightroom presets (Adobe Color):

Not a crazy edit here. Dodge and burn to emphasize the light, split toning to get a warmer feel, and some local adjustments to help the subject.

50mm 1/25sec F/4 ISO 160

To be honest, I thought the light was too soft initially but with the edits, you can bring those out and it turned out well. 
